A desperate plea for Snoopy – emotional support dog suffering with tumor

Snoopy has a tumor
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A desperate plea is being made on behalf of an emotional support dog named “Snoopy.” Snoopy was rescued from a bad situation by his owner, Ruthanne, and now the pair are inseparable. But the lovable, seven-year-old pit bull is suffering.

Snoopy before he was sick

For several months, a tumor, which is likely cancerous, has been growing on his face…his owner, who lives on disability benefits, has taken him to a veterinarian, but her funds are limited and Snoopy requires expensive treatment if he is to survive. The first veterinarian advised Snoopy’s owner that her dog was “not worth” saving.

Fortunately, a friend Ruthanne’s got Snoopy into another veterinarian in Howell, New Jersey, and the doctor believes that Snoopy can be helped. The treatment will be expensive – estimates are in the $1200 to $1400 range. If Snoopy does not get treatment, he will die.

Ruthanne’s friend told the Pet Rescue Report a bit more about Snoopy, “He is a happy dog and is full of life. He loves everyone and everything. He’s a gentle giant. Very good boy and makes everyone laugh. He brings much joy to all those around him. He’s worth trying to save. It’s a big risky procedure but the vet is up for the challenge.”

Ruthanne’s friend reached out to the Pet Rescue Report in desperation – for months she has tried to raise funds for the ailing dog, but recent Facebook changes mean that many animal lovers seldom, if ever, see her posts. The veterinarian who has agreed to treat Snoopy is willing to take payments from good Samaritans who would like to see this dog survive.

Anyone who is interested in helping can call the Howell Animal Hospital at 732-577-0066 (please reference “Snoopy”) or mail a check to the hospital (still referencing Snoopy) at: 2354 Route 9 South
Howell, NJ 07731

Donations can also be made to YouCaring at this link.

(Images provided)

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More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page

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  1. Prayers for Snoopy…..sharing all over to help his wonderful owner help him
    and to the so called vet who said he wasn’t worth saving should go work at
    Wal-mart…scary and sad that kind of person is paid to help our animals…guess they forgot what they went to vet school for…guess its for $$$$ not saving a precious life…inhumane creep and karmas a bitch…..SHAME ON THEM….sharing for Snoopy…..

    • Thank you it’s all changed now, vet mentioned isn’t doing surgery he’s going to an oncology specialist today. Long story. Had to wait on funding which I’m afraid won’t be enough and my availability and my friends as she lives an hour north from me and I was working a ft job for a month that I left so it took a bit to organize. He’s happy and content and appears not to be suffering. Original vet mentioned in here spoke to a specialist he said to leave it and that if it was in sinuses it be difficult so he wasn’t comfortable with doing the surgery. So a Ct will tell where it lays if it’s done today. I can’t afford to help her anymore as I put out over 1000 of my own money to the first vet and here I have my own dog with many issues and can’t even help him at the moment. I only work 12 hrs for 2 weeks now so it’s tough.

  2. Isn’t there a veterinarian in New Jersey who can help Snoopy without charging an arm and a leg? PLEASE, there must be a vet in this state who could step up and help out – maybe contacting the media about Snoopy’s immediate need would help – great PR for the vet and life saving surgery for Snoopy – it would save a life.

    • Sadly there isn’t. My vet is least inexpensive and is great. That’s why my friend is going there. He’s very knowledgeable and skilled.

  3. What is with some vets? Aren’t all pets worth saving if it has a loving home and a good temperament? I have to assume it’s a pit bull thing. My regular vet was out of town when one of my pit bulls was attacked by a 200 pound dog (in spite of stereotypes, the other dog was not injured because my pit couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag). The vet we saw literally asked me if I wanted to spend money on a dog that would end up being euthanized. Excuse me? We were there for stitches, not to put a dog to sleep. He accused her of being dog aggressive (she isn’t), accused me of not spaying her to her own detriment (except she WAS spayed), told me a shelter would put her directly to sleep – but we were not at a shelter. Anyway, I am glad Snoopy got a second opinion!!

    • Wow I’m sorry. I saw that at one vet a woman’s big diog was hit by a car it needed an amputation of the leg. She didn’t have it. NJ it’s all up front especially er vet. He’s like well prepare him for euthanasia. It’s what they did. So sad. Glad your dog wasn’t injured to bad

      • Well. They gave me a $400 estimate and it ended up being $1000 because she lost her body temperature during the first surgery, and ended up having a second surgery the following day. I applied for CareCredit (google it) and it was covered under their veterinary program, they give you 18 months interest free if you spend more than $200. If you have to cover some yourself because youcaring doesn’t cover 100%, you should look into it if you haven’t already.

    • I know all about care credit. She has no credit to get it and I had it years ago went bankrupt on it few years back and my mom was a co signer and got stuck with it till the day she died. Sorry about your dog. They shouldn’t of re charged you. Glad your dog is ok now

  4. There are Humane Society hospital/clinics in New Jersey and in most states that will charge based on your ability to pay. The Vets at Humane Society in NYC are excellent. My prayers go out to Snoopy for a full recovery. In 2014, my dog had a cancer mast that was removed by my vet. Boo was 10 years old at that time and as of today he is still cancer free, so I have hope for Snoopy.

    • No one really helps here. The owner and myself reached out to many organizations Many didn’t get back and others said email this place we did and no response. Glad your dog is doing great.

  5. I have and my friend have contacted animal funding sites either no response or it’s we only give for this. Care credit is not an option for either of us. I wish it was cause I found out now my dog may have a mass in his intestinal area and there’s nothing I can do. These animal assistance help places always have a catch. Everything is exhausted of options. This is why help is asked for my friends dog snoopy. It’s all a legit thing. He will have to go a specialist for cat scan to see if it made its way into his sinuses. I agree with what most of you are saying. Maybe to some vets they see they think and maybe to imitated by it. I thank all of you for suggestions and ideas and others for your help. My friends dog means the world to her. She thanks all of you too. She commented the thread on the Facebook post of this story.

  6. Snoopy finally has an appointment with a specialist nov 21 at 1230 pm please keep sharing thank you. It’s a different vet then mentioned above. He’s going to a oncology center. Any questions feel free to email me.

  7. Every ones he’s seeing a specialist today at 1230 in Fairfield NJ. Thank you for donations and help. I will update everyone and check the finding link as bill will be posted too. I’m probably going to run short especially if they do a Ct today.

  8. Posted on November 21, 2017

    Snoopy was at a specialist today. In the pics is today’s bill and the next treatment plan. On the youcaring link. They wanted an X-ray of his chest to see if this spread he was not cooperating so we have to sechedule real soon. Just waiting for work schedule to come out tomorrow. It will be an all day thing for him to go under get the X-rays done and a biposy. Vet feels cat scan isn’t worth doing and feels that removing tumor is not an option. Her concern is to go right to biposy and see if it is cancer or not. Next visit is around 1500, so due to funding we can find out soon. Receipt and treatment plan is in pics as well Under photos in the youcaring link. She said if it’s cancer let him live his life and make him comfortable. Appointment will be in the next 2 weeks. Thank you all for your help. Any questions feel free to email me

  9. Hello all snoopy went to the specialist today. Took a long time to get there. He’s still happy and goofy. He went under for a chest X-ray to see if cancer spread. Good news nothing shown. They did an incision in the center of his head found abnormal tissue, its being tested. We will go from there. There is still money in his funding so we will see next step if we can get it down a bit, (tumor) the cancer specialist said the whole thing can’t be removed because of how it is. So once I get the results I will let you know. I have pics of him today on the provided funding link and the bill from today for those interested. Thank you all I will keep you updated. Bad weather, working a ft job temp for a couple months, and snoopys owner Ruthann’s husband has been having issues with his prostate cancer so it was just matter of time to take him. Specially is 2 hrs drive there and then back. I apologize everyone it took a long time. Any questions feel free to message me in fb or email. [email protected] if he was not himself he would of been rushed to a vet but he was ok.

  10. Hello, ok heres a sad update. Vet just called he has osteosarcoma. There is no cure for where it is located, she said if it was a limb it would be different. She said in time it will metastasis. It spread from his head to his naval cavity already. She said its about 8500 for radiation and 4000 plus for chemo. Wont guarantee his life span, she said 18 months or less if he does treatment. She said he will start bleeding out of the nose, and having seizures. I asked if he was suffering she said not at the moment but will eventually. She recommended going to his primary vet as things get worse and get seizure meds and to try and pain meds. She said eventually he will have problems breathing. She said as long as he is eating, playing and is happy right now then that is good. But he will take a turn. So therefore when the time comes we will see what is best for him. I personally would not put a dog through all that hell. Sad too cause he is young. But rest of the funding will go to the vet for medication and or euthanasia there isn’t much left. I think just enough to put him down. As the money in the funding isn’t whats it says because of the fees. All donors sent it as paying for goods and services, not the family and friends choice so even like a 50 dollar donation comes out to 47.85 so a couple hundred was lost that way. I appreciate your help and I will keep you posted. Nothing can be done right now as he seems ok. In time it will get bad. Its sad all around. He’s such a good dog too. I wish I was a millionaire then I would help. sucks cancer is all around. Its hard, and honestly I feel its best to put snoopy down if he starts having seizures. I don’t know, its not my dog and Im not in the situation. Its sad. I had sad updates like this. I appreciate what you all did to help him. Tumor cannot be removed as its bone cancer, and yes it can be shrunk but thousands of dollars no one has. Sorry for the spelling and grammar I am on an IMac and I have issues with the keyboard, as my hands are bigger then it, and I am not used to it. I have his report for those interested and current pictures…. I didn’t want it to be this way. His form of cancer is aggressive. The people who donated to the vet, there is 115 there that will help with meds or euthanasia when needed. Thank you again for all your help. Its greatly appreciated. I will post his report in the funding link in pictures.


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