3-year-old child has arm amputated after sticking hand into ‘wolf hybrid’ kennel

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In Olympia, Washington a three-year-old child put his hand into the kennel of the family’s “wolf hybrid” dogs resulting in serious injuries to the child. According to the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office:

“The child has sustained serious injury to one of his hands and forearm. The child was a resident at this home where two wolf hybrids were maintained by the family within a fenced kennel.”

The child had supposedly wandered outdoors by himself without his mother’s permission. When he went to the area where the animals were kept, stuck his hand into the kennel. It is not known if both animals attacked or just one. Thurston County Animal Control and Washington State Fish and Wildlife have been called in to “secure the animals per their protocol for further investigation.”

According to Q13FoxNews, the child was flown to Harborview Medical Center for emergency treatment. He was listed in stable condition after a nurse stated he had undergone surgery for a “traumatic arm amputation.”

In the State of Washington, for most jurisdictions, wolf-hybrids are defined under exotic or dangerous animals and prohibited or in some instances grandfathered, if existing prior to the enactment of the prohibition, and are treated as dangerous dogs. Potentially dangerous wild animals, includes wolves, but excludes wolf-hybrids. In the past several measures have been introduced to include wolf-hybrids as dangerous wild animals, but no resolutions have been passed. Read more here. Several measures have been proposed to include wolf-hybrids as potentially dangerous wild animals, but they have not been passed.

(Photos of wolf hybrid via Q13 Fox News and Thurston County Sheriff’s Office)

This is a developing story; more information will follow as it is released.

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  1. I am sorry for the little boy (who learned a very tough lesson on what NOT to do near a dangerous animal), but 2 facts are VERY troubling:

    1) why keep a dangerous animal in a place that is not locked (the entire kennel area should be locked, not just the individual kennel runs) &

    2) where were the parents? That child should have been with his parents, not allowed to wander…..

    I always kept a close watch on toddlers & they were never out my sight…… bad things can happen in a “life altering instant”…..

  2. Another incident of parents not watching their children. Now these Wolf-hybrids will suffer the consequences and a child has been hurt.

  3. These wolf hybrid dogs are stunningly beautiful but they are inappropriate to have as pets! I don’t understand why someone that has children would have them! These dogs need to go to a sanctuary,there are sanctuaries for these wolf hybrids because there are so many stupid people out there that try to have them as pets. Poor kid,I hope he will have a speedy recovery,he will now probably forever afraid of dogs! Shame on these parents !

    • I myself had a Wolf German Shepard hybrid until he died one year ago and he was the sweetest boy ever! Training and compassion go a long way with these beautiful animals. Maybe being kept in a cage wasn’t a good idea. They are not all vicious…..I believe the way they are treated has a lot to do with their actions.

      • I too have had a wolf hybrid. Most sweetest natured, loving and compassionate ever. I miss my Thunder

  4. So the dogs are being blamed because a mother was inattentive to a three year old and he wandered out and was traumatically injured – these so called ‘hybrid wolf-dogs’ did not mate by themselves – this is what idiot humans have done.

  5. Sad for the child but keeping animals like this in these little cages is a recipe for creating a vicious dog, likely to attack/bite!And the parents weren’t the kid knowing these hybread were there. Blame the two legged animals!!!! BTW I’ve know of wolf hybrids kept as pets that were mint vicious!


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