Update: Tortured 3-month-old pup Caleb continues his fight to live

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Since Wednesday evening, a three-month-old puppy dubbed Caleb continues to fight for his life. A neighbor had witnessed someone throwing the defenseless puppy over a high fence. With the help of animal advocates, volunteers and Fulton County Animal Services in Atlanta, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC were notified and immediately stepped forward to help.Caleb Friday cover

On Friday afternoon, Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, announced that veterinarians have now increased Caleb’s odds for survival to 50% – as opposed to Thursday’s estimate of only 30%. While his condition remains critical, he is more alert, however it has been stressed, the little one is “nowhere out of the woods.”Caleb Friday

As to his medical issues, veterinarians are primarily concerned about a serious bloodstream infection resulting in sepsis. An update on the organization’s Facebook page by Jackie tells more of the story:

“So far, he’s had a blood transfusion and a plasma transfusion. Today he will have another plasma transfusion. The rectal prolapse (abnormal anus) needs to be repaired, but to do that, he will need to be put under anesthesia and he is just not stable enough right now to do that. Same goes for cat scan of his skull to determine damage there, so those issues requiring him to be put under are on hold for now. Aside from the infection and the prolapse, they know he has blood clots in his back legs and the skin/tissue has turned purple. Concern is this tissue is dying due to lack of blood flow. His blood pressure is holding steady. He has a broken canine which will also need to be addressed at a later time.”Caleb Friday 2

For anyone who is not familiar with Caleb’s torture and abuse previous to his rescue, the trauma the defenseless puppy suffered is almost indescribable. His initial evaluation at the veterinary hospital included the following disturbing diagnosis:

“Upon being examined by the medical team they discovered this puppy was in far worse shape than originally known,” stated Jackie.  “Poor Caleb suffered not only head trauma, but he’s clearly emaciated, covered in what looks to be old cigarette burns, and they found an “abnormal” anus! The medical team was so upset by his condition that a cruelty investigation is being started. There is no question that Caleb suffered cruel and sadistic torture over time. They also discovered he has a broken jaw.” Caleb Friday 3

A $5,000 reward has been offered by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for Caleb’s abuse. A cruelty investigation is currently underway, however no details have been released.

This is going to be a long road and Rescue Dogs Rock NYC are so happy so many people have rallied to join Team Caleb! His medical/ER hospital bill continues to climb, so please donate and help if you can. Paypal is [email protected] or click here.  Mailing address is RDR NYC, PO Box 101, NY, NY 10028.

(Photos courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC as is the video)

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(No part of this article can be copied or rewritten without the express permission of the author.)

Read the original story of Caleb here.

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  1. I REALLY hope they find the POS who tortured poor Caleb. Glad to hear the vets have increased his odds of survival to 50%. Wish it was 100% but I’ll take the 20% increase from 30%

  2. OMG I am so glad I did not witness this poor creature being tossed over a fence. I would have taught these animals to pick on someone their own size. If anyone has info please tell authorities. Where did this happen? Who owns the house he was at? I hope he not only survives but thrives in a loving forever home that will appreciate this beautiful dog.

  3. What this Poor dog has endured is as bad as Puppy Doe at the hands of that Polish mental case. The reward is quite substantial…they will most likely find these perpetrators. I hope they get the Maximum ever penalty. NO excuse for this sadistic torture.

  4. When I read this story yesterday, I have to confess I git physically sick. I’m sending a small donation , its all I’m able yo do right now. It’s beyond comprehension how anyone could do this. Thats what is so disturbing, how much of this hoes on. Thankbyou all …each and everyone of you thats shiwing this animal compassion , care and much needed love. The thing that got tome most was the very, very…sad eyes …The eyes on an animal says everything. I’m truly broken hearted for this dog. Again, Thank you all.

  5. hope and pray he will get well soon.find who did that to the dog and do it to them also.plus make them pay all the bills to get the dog well.

  6. Hi Cheryl,

    I really appreciate the update on little Caleb. My heart broke when I first heard the story. I will be checking in to see if there are any updates on his condition.

    Thanks again.

  7. Poor little boy…..I’m praying that he pulls through and finds a loving home. As for the POS that did this to him…karma always comes around!

  8. I hope this little puppy recovers and receives the love he deserves. I will never understand how someone could hurt an animal like this but I hope they are caught and punished. I am praying for little Caleb.

  9. Oh sweet baby im so sorry for what some monster has done to you! Please know, there are wonderful, loving and kind humans all praying, wishing and hoping you pull thru this so we can all love you! And to the coward, lowlife scum that had to use a little puppy to torture and abuse just remember this….its coming! All the hell in your miserable life won’t compare to what the afterlife has in store for you.

  10. Bless his Little Heart! They can find DNA and track the Freak that did this. I will continue to donate. If we all donated even $2 can you imagine how much we could raise? This has been seen all over the world and it will all add up! They need to find this freak or freaks and do the same to them!

    • Joan I’m Kathi Dabel I just read about Kayleb I’m just sick inside I just can’t deal with this monsters that hurt our doggies and animals! How did you know about this doggie if you don’t mind me asking? Please respond to [email protected] in the comment please put Kaleb! Please respond I just can’t stop bawling over this poor puppy!

      • I have been crying so much because of what happened to Caleb. I hope whoever did this is caught so they can never do this again. I have two dogs and they are part of the family. I love to volunteer at the shelters because I feel so sorry for all the dogs there I wish I could take them all home. Anyways little Caleb’s story just broke my heart.

  11. He lived hours, not days. He should’ve been put down immediately if he was in that dire of condition. He suffered too long as it was. They will never find the perp, they never do. People are vicious demons from hell. These stories are gut wrenching and depressing.

  12. I pray that the person or persons who did this to this helpless dog is man enough to admit what he or she done wrong. God gave us dogs for companionship and protection and they do not need to go though that .

  13. Ohhhhh yeah …. a previous writer mentioned that the DNA could identify the “sick, sick piece of garbage” that did this and they are correct. Is this being looked into ? There is no perfect crime !!! Maybe a used cigarette nearby where precious Caleb was thrown? Something’s gotta be there . Sick POS.

    Oh, how I wish that I could be apart of catching the POS ….
    Somebody out there knows……knows…..knows…..yet fears this POS…….
    Major KUDOS for helping the poor pup but the job is only half way done……someone knows…..it is OK to communicate anonymously……

  14. Whoever did this to this innocent puppy…. I hope they end up in a jail cell where their roommate is a big strong animal lover who hates animal abusers.


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