Owner tied the cow’s legs together and stuffed her in trunk of car

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A man who claims to have traded a cow for his horse tied the cow’s legs together and stuffed her into the trunk of his vehicle to carry her home to his farm. According to the Daily Mail, the incident happened in Romanian and was captured on cellphone video by a cameraman disgusted with the cruel treatment of a defenseless animal.

The driver of the car, a 23-year-old man who has not been identified by name, was fined $500. for violating animal transportation laws and faces up to a year in prison for animal cruelty.

Viewing the video, it appears as if the cow is suffering; at one point the man stops his car, and another man gets out and tries to push the cow’s head down into the back in order to close the trunk. The cameraman, who works for a local television station had been traveling along the same route as the man with the cow, and was allegedly threatened by the man transporting the poor cow.

The incident was reported to the County Traffic Police and to the Sanitary-Veterinarian County Directorate, Buzau. The man was identified through the license plate of his vehicle. And that mode of transportation makes one wonder how the horse was transported?

(Photo of tied the cow’s legs together screenshot of YouTube and Daily Mail)



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