When their owner passed away, not one family member offered any help

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In Valencia County, New Mexico, three dogs may soon breathe their last: this desperate situation was certainly not their fault when their owner passed away. For over a month, the emaciated black Labrador retriever along with two shepherds had been left alone in a home. There was no food or water. It was hoped family members would have stepped forward to save them. No one ever offered.valenica-county-homeless-pets-2

Sadly the dogs have experienced trauma; making all three very fearful and therefore aggressive. Staff and volunteer have reported the dogs bark and growl when anyone approaches their kennels, and although they can not be adopted out to the public, it is hoped an experienced rescue organization will volunteer to help.

A Facebook page can be followed here. Advocates have been pledging funds payable to an approved rescue to help with medical and behavioral expenses. All three of the dogs were emaciated. Now they need a holiday miracle to step in and give them a second chance at life and happiness. Please share their plights with family members, friends and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives, and these dogs deserve better than what they have been experiencing at the most stressful time of their lives.valenica-county-homeless-pets-3

For more information, about the tan German shepherd mix listed as eight-years-old, refer to ID33627. For information about the black Labrador retriever mix estimated to be nine years old, refer to ID33625. For information about the black and brown four-year-old German shepherd mix, refer to ID33626.

The deadline for these dogs is Friday.  For more information how you can help, contact the Valencia County Homeless Pets or contact the Valencia County Animal Shelter located at 1209 Hwy 314 Los Lunas, New Mexico 87031. Please contact them at 505-866-2479 if you are interested helping these dogs.

(Photos of dogs when their owner passed away via Valencia County Homeless Pets)



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  1. This is beyond comprehensible! and for a month geez can’t blame them for being fearful. To the family members how dare you disrespect another family member like this in not helping these 3 that they loved so much.

  2. A month without food or water? How on earth did they even survive – no wonder they were emaciated. Things like this really make your heart break. I hope to God they can find new and loving home/s before it’s too late. Hoping and praying for you, sweet ones ❤️

  3. Another example of a loving family! A family member dies and no one cares enough to take in the beloved pets of the one who has gone. It would be better to take them to the pound than to leave them alone in a house without so much as food and water. What kind of an excuse do they come up with to justify this heartless behavior? I will keep these dogs in my prayers, I hope someone will step up to save them, they didn’t deserve to be treated like this!

  4. How I met your mother f****** can’t be that stupid 4 Headwater of any type of food you don’t think they’ll be aggressive don’t be so f****** stupid people who have usual it’ll bring that God gave you make sure those dogs live 03

  5. Omg..this breaks my heart into a thousand pieces how can some people be so cruel and heartless..To the family members these beautiful furbabies might die because of your lazy no good piece of shit ass couldn’t feed or water them I hope karma comes and beats your worthless ass down

  6. My Mom just passed away. I am keeping her dog. I can’t imagine that no one in the family respected their loved one enough to help her little ones. They are all responsible for the plight of these babies. How shameful that an entire family is so uncaring!


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