Save the life of an unwanted pet – consider fostering

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Everyday, the same question is repeated by readers of the National Dog News column…”what can I do to help?” Aside from sharing information about dogs in need, there is a life-saving act that is a direct, hands-on way to help and it is called fostering.

There are several types of people who make amazing fosters…

The first type is the dog lover who is horrified by the number of dogs who are dying in shelters; those who want to do SOMETHING, anything to help. This person can make a huge difference in the life of the dog that they foster AND help another dog make it out of the shelter alive.

Another “ideal foster” is a person who already has a “complete” dog family. In other words, someone who is not looking for another dog and who is happy with their current situation. Fosters with a “complete dog family” are less likely to be tempted to keep their foster dog.

The third individual who is ideal for fostering is the person who is considering adding a second or third dog to their family. What better way to pick a companion than to “test-drive” them in your own household? If you find a dog that fits your family’s dynamics perfectly, then you adopt. If the dog is not perfect at your home, you can keep him/her until the dog meets the family that does have the perfect dynamics.

For any of you who HAVE adopted a rescue dog, please consider for a moment that someone fostered YOUR dog at one point in time and gave him/her a chance to find YOU! Remember, pay it forward!!

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  1. Surely the perfect foster is the failed foster! I have enormous admiration for fosters. I could never give the dog/cat up. (Does that make me the perfect foster?!).

  2. Fostering a a noble thing to do, Bless the ones that can do it, and then give them to good homes. I think I would fail miserably at it, but when I am down a couple of dogs (I have 4 of my own right now) I might give it a try.

  3. I absolutely enjoy fostering precious furbabies. You get to show them the love and affection they so much deserve but some have never gotten.


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