Latest on 18-year-old owner surrendered dog

18-year-old surrendered dog
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Thousands of people, from across the nation, have been hoping against hope that an 18-year-old owner surrendered dog named “Muneca” would be rescued from a busy California animal control facility. On Wednesday, the elderly dog was rescued and she is already receiving veterinary care thanks to the help of a San Diego area non-profit rescue group.

The Frosted Faces Foundation updated Facebook followers about the owner surrendered dog:

Two days ago 18 year old Muneca was surrendered to Baldwin Park Shelter covered in fleas. Elaine Seamans of the At-Choo Foundation and the talented John Hwang teamed up to get her story heard, and today she is on her freedom ride down to sunny San Diego as our newest Frosted Face!

The group added:

Urgency and passion stir the animal rescue community, so when an 18 year old purebred dachshund enters the shelter system there is no shortage of foster and adoption offers.

Muneca, who was photographed at the Baldwin Park Shelter by John Hwang, took her freedom ride from the facility on Wednesday morning with rescue agency volunteers and she is now at the San Diego Bay Animal Hospital undergoing lab work, x-rays and getting fluids – according to her rescuers she is “very lethargic.”

Find Muneca’s rescuers at this link to Facebook.

Owner surrendered dog

To donate toward the care of Muneca:
• Call San Diego Bay Animal Hospital at (619) 481-3007 and donate to Frosted Faces Foundation’s account

• Via PayPal: [email protected] “Muneca”

• Via Web Donate

• Via Check or Cash through the Mail:
Frosted Faces Foundation
864 Grand Avenue, Mailbox #333
San Diego, CA 92109

Original story about Muneca here.


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  1. I adopted a dog over 15 years in age……..I did not care about his age or past or anything about him except he was/is a dog needing a person…….We are inseparable…..I was 71 years old at the time, the first dog in my life. He is the love of my life……..I have always had lots of indoor cats, all of whom fell in love with our new dog…….Today the dog (named Buddy by my vet) is 21.6 years of age…….I would not trade him for anything……After Buddy and I had been a pair for a couple of years, I found a beagle on a remote highway. I finally captured her…….off to the vet to see if she were safe to be with Buddy. YES! They have been inseparable ever since…. Almost as if they are glued together……Buddy is 6 pounds, Beagle is 30, having turned about 16 this past summer. Poor Beagle had a lot of medical problems including back and neck surgeries at $6,000. She needed to be spayed, cured of Lymes’ disease and heartworms,etc. We built a ramp so she could go out into the fenced year because the vet said NO STEPS. I hope no one would reject ME because I am a senior with a few diseases! Get yourself an older pet and rejoice every day the two of you can love each other….

  2. I sit here beside my two dogs..both sleeping on the couch.I could no more “surrender” them to a shelter then give up one of my children.How do you walk away from an 18 year old family member…I do not pretend to understand that mentality..Cute dog…18 years …God bless this pup…Its better in the care of these folks I’m sure.Still…how do you raise,feed,care for a dog…for 18 years…only to drop it at a shelter and walk away.Not in my DNA.

  3. Unfortunatley there are so many so-called owners that have anumals for ome soet of convenience, then when they become an incivenience, and or they need to have Vet care this is where the inconvenience steps in, if people dump a dog or any other animal and they are reported, that person should be banned for life from ever owning an animal again.

  4. I too adopted two older Russell terriers that were used for breeding. After losing my sassa Lou just a year before I was looking for an older dog to fill the void a little. I’m old too, so we hit it off after a week or so of them getting used to a yard, not a kennel and living in the house they act as if they lived here forever. I could never throw away a dog after getting to love them. No more puppy’s and lots of pool and yard time for my sweet dogs. I just wish I could take them all.

  5. This little treasure passed away recently (she was listed in the Frosted Faces “Promises Kept” column). Whilst I am sad to learn this news, she had 2 “extra” years in a loving furever home that would never have happened had animal lovers not helped her out…..

    This precious little treasure was spared dying alone, afraid (possibly in pain), & unloved….. unlike so many other senior treasures……


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