Grinning dog photobombs Pope at Vatican

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A smiling dog upstaged Pope Francis at Saint Peter’s Square on Wednesday during his weekly general audience while the Holy Father met with a dog training group. According to Metro, the owner of the tongue lolling, grinning pooch held his canine friend up high just as the Pope passed by.

Pope Francis did turn around and bless the animals; he also petted them included one very grateful pooch. The lucky pups had been in the company of the Italian Federation for dog sports. And it’s not the first time, the dog friendly Pope has accepted a paw or patted a furry head. In June, dogs from Onlus Rescue Dogs Lifeguard School had the tail wagging privilege of meeting Pope Francis along with receiving a blessing.

Can there be any doubt in one’s mind why “all dogs go to Heaven”?

The photo was posted on Twitter by Reidy@sreidy95:

“If you’re having a bad day, enjoy this picture of The Pope getting photobombed by the smiliest dog xx


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