Deformed piglet appears to be gasping for breath

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A deformed piglet, with a human-like face and an appendage on his forehead that many people are referring to as a penis, appears to be gasping for breath in a video that is being widely spread in Chinese social media. According to Tuesday’s publication of the Daily Mail, it is unknown of the piglet in the video is alive or not.

In early 2015, a similar looking piglet was born on a farm in Yanan township in the city of Nanning, China. The deformed piglet was one of 19 in a litter and it died shortly after the mother pig rejected it.  Tao Lu, who owned the piglet, was hoping to make money off of the piglet’s deformity, but his aspirations for side-show wealth were squashed when the piglet died.

It is unknown why the piglets have been born with such profound deformities – some of speculated that pollution is to blame. Regardless of the cause, the outcome is heartbreaking.

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  1. OMG, I couldn’t watch all of the video. That poor pig. He certainly appears to be gasping for breath. I hope his suffering didn’t last too long. Another reason that I can’t stand most of China.

  2. Stop putty this piglet on diplay, it’s not a joke. Put it down and keep it comfortable, if mother won’t feed it, there must be away to help it for as long as if alive. Imagine the owner wanted to make money and display him. This makes me very upset. He should not be on display. Leave it be, maybe warm milk extracted from mother. Leave it be stop showing it off while every one laughs, it’s not funny.

  3. People don’t care about animals anymore, its horrible that the world changed.. Poor baby, he should of been treated and cared for!!


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