County wants to put down ‘Marley,’ dog rescued by veteran

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Marley, a dog who was brought from Afghanistan to Florida by a veteran, is at risk of being put down. The German shepherd mix dog, owned by Johnothan Jones, has been involved in multiple bite situations which have put his life in jeopardy.

According to NWF Daily News, Marley first got into trouble in 2011 when he became distressed by kids who were “roughhousing” with masks and toy guns – one of the children involved in the rough play was bitten and that bite landed Marley in the “dog house.” The same child was bitten a second time by Marley in another incident involving wrestling over a dog toy.

The bites landed Marley behind bars at an animal shelter, but he was finally released after nearly a year of confinement. Unfortunately, more trouble was to be had for the beleaguered dog. In October, a 12-year-old spooked Marley while he was sleeping with his owners…Marley was allegedly startled by the child and reacted.

Now, Marley is once again in grave danger – at risk of being euthanized. His owner is in trouble as well – according to MyPanHandle News, Jones is facing a misdemeanor charge for the bite incident, and if he is convicted, he could be sent to jail for a year.

A petition, asking for the Dangerous Dog designation to be removed from Marley, has been created (click here to read more). Over 216,000 people have signed the petition so far.

On Thursday, the Facebook page established to help save Marley from death, posted an update:

Marley is currently being held by Bay County Animal Control. We are fighting his incarceration and the false and misleading information they are pushing for their agenda to punish us for our year long fight to save him. We hope Marley can be placed in a rescue/sanctuary setting, which is what we wanted all along, but they refused to allow it. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Marley and my family through this tough time.

Find the Help Save Marley Facebook page here.



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  1. Yeah that looks like a f****** killer you need to use common sense and get the f****** kid away from the dog the dog is doing nothing wrong with kids provoking I try all the dog is not doing anything wrong you people have to get your s*** together I’ve had children any animals you must repeat must must not let the children startled or get too close to him because he’s not used to Children number 1 people get your s*** together do not put that dog down

  2. This whole situation has been heart breaking. Marley should never have been seized in the first place, he was only protecting a child and the minor bite was to his own family. A neighbor stuck their nose in where it didn’t belong. Now this, after being incarcerated for a year the poor dog is most likely scared and skittish. I’ve been watching the videos of a happy great dog playing and living life to the fullest and now this! I feel for Johnothan Jones and his boy Marley. I hope this vendetta against this dog is able to be resolved, Marley has done nothing horrible and this needs to stop. Keeping them in my prayers and I will be signing any and all petitions that come my way.

  3. Wow ? let the dog ? Live we all deserve life Animals Deserve Life More Than A Lot Of Humans I am the Voice when it comes to Animals❤️️You all are suppose to be there helping us all please stop Animal Cruelty And Let The Gorgeous Dog ? live please.

  4. If this neighbor wants to make a sinner out of their kid , it’s their fucking right to demand the dog be euthanized. But sooner if later a kid grows up and life itself will punish him profusely.
    The dog who got his second chance of survival in a war zone should be respected and left alone as a traumatized creature .

  5. Marley obviously, to me anyway, is NOT INTO KIDS. So with that knowledge Marley’s person has failed him terribly. He should never have been around kids after such a long stay in a kennel. He must have some battle fatigue from his time away from his home. What was his person thinking?

  6. Errors in this story. Biting incident did NOT occur in 2011. Marley is NOT an aggressive dog and had lived happily with his family of young children in the household since 2011, when he was a rescue from Afghanistan , where Jonathon was an Army veteran working . Many photos on Facebook showing Marley with children, NOT an aggressive dog. Only recently last year did he nip…only a band aid needed…a 15 year old stepson , son of his girlfriend living in the home . The teenager was playing cops and robbers wearing a mask with their 5 year old son when Marley nipped the teenager, thinking the 5 year old was being attacked. Because of an uninformed , malicious Animall Control and exspouse agenda, Marley was seized and labeled a malicious dog and imprisoned in Animal Control for nearly a year, while Jonathon eventually worked the case through the courts and obtained his release. The second ,recent nip incident requiring only a bandaid involved another son of the girlfriend, a 12 year old , a startling incident involving the boy startling the sleeping Marley. Both Jonathon and his girlfriend, who is Mother of the boy, were home at the time .Now, Animal Control wants to kill Marley, a cruel horrendous injustice to a wonderful ,non violent dog …and would do profound psychological harm to the boys who would have to live with this all their lives, Most important, local Animal Control has and is violating FLORIDA STATE laws, which say an incident happening within the family to a family member does NOT require euthanasia. These were typical nips with only band aids required we all experience with our dogs , NOT mailings, etc. provoked, unintentionally, by teenage boys, Jonathon is asking that Animal Control permit him to place Marley with a Rescue Dog group, where this wonderful dog can live the happy life he should have. Marley provided enormous service to men in Afghanistan , protecting them and providing comfort in one of the most dangerous war zones on earth.Jonathon was able to rescue Marley to the safety of the United States for years,only for Marley to be in mortal danger from an ignorant Animal Control Officer with a grudge , defying State laws, fueled by bad local politics and an agenda from ex spouses . None of these people care about the injustice and pain to Marley, the family, and the boys, who would suffer all their lives thinking they were responsible for Marley being killed.

    • If I’m correct, the first bite incident was reported by a neighbor, but who reported this last one. I don’t see where a nip like these should even have been reported at all! If my dogs had been reported for every wound I’ve received from my dogs (a head hit me in the mouth, I accidentally hit one’s tooth while feeding him, my finger got bit while we were playing ball) all accidents and hardly “bite incidents”. I am so disgusted with this vendetta against this poor dog and his owner, I have followed this story from the beginning, and the whole incident is absurd! This dog should be allowed to stay with his family that loves him. What is wrong with the animal control officer and judges of this county!!!!!!!


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